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Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise known for their effectiveness in building upper body strength and endurance. But beyond their muscle-building benefits, many fitness enthusiasts also wonder about the calorie-burning potential of push-ups. Understanding the calorie expenditure associated with push-ups can provide valuable insights for individuals looking to optimize their workout routines and achieve their fitness goals. In this article, we’ll explore the factors influencing calorie burn during push-ups, how to estimate calories burned, and how incorporating push-ups into your exercise regimen can contribute to overall calorie expenditure and fitness progress.

Push-Up Variations for Optimal Calorie Burn

After a comprehensive warm-up, do these intervals of 10 push-ups each:

  • Traditional push-ups (or knee push-ups if you’re a beginner)
  • Tricep push-ups
  • Pike push-ups
  • Chest push-ups
  • Prone push-ups
  • Decline push-ups
  • Diamond push-ups
  • Plyometric push-ups (do them from your knees or try plyo wall push-ups if you’re a beginner)
  • Wide-grip push-ups
  • Staggered hand push-ups

how many calories burned doing push ups

The number of calories burned during push-ups can vary depending on several factors

  • Calorie burn during push-ups depends on factors like body weight and exercise intensity.
  • On average, someone weighing around 155 pounds (70 kg) burns about 7-10 calories per minute doing push-ups.
  • Different push-up variations can increase intensity and calorie expenditure.
  • Personalized estimates can be obtained using online calculators or fitness trackers.

Tips for more push ups calories burned

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To burn more calories while doing push-ups, consider the following tips:

  • Increase intensity: Perform push-ups at a faster pace or incorporate explosive movements, such as plyometric push-ups or clapping push-ups, to engage more muscles and elevate heart rate.
  • Add variations: Include different push-up variations like incline push-ups, decline push-ups, or staggered hand positions to target different muscle groups and challenge your body.
  • Increase repetitions: Gradually increase the number of push-ups you do in each set to extend the duration of your workout and enhance calorie burn.
  • Reduce rest time: Minimize rest periods between sets to keep your heart rate elevated and maintain intensity throughout your workout.
  • Combine with other exercises: Incorporate push-ups into a circuit training routine with other bodyweight exercises or cardio intervals to create a high-intensity workout that burns more calories overall.
  • Maintain proper form: Focus on maintaining proper form throughout each push-up repetition to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury, ensuring optimal calorie burn.
  • Increase resistance: Wear a weighted vest or use resistance bands to add resistance to your push-ups, increasing the workload on your muscles and boosting calorie expenditure.

How Many Push-Ups To Burn 100 Calories

If you’re looking to burn 100 calories quickly, you’re in luck – all you need to do is complete between 50 and 100 push-ups, depending on the source you cite. Now, of course, this may sound like a lot of work, but don’t worry – we’ll break it down for you.

Calories Burned with Different Number of Push-Ups

How Many Calories Do 10 Push-Ups Burn? Ten push-ups burn between 10 and 20 calories. However, you can maximize your results by following the tips above.

How Many Calories Do 20 Push-Ups Burn? Twenty push-ups burn between 20 and 40 calories. The number of calories you burn from doing 20 push-ups depends on several factors, such as your weight, muscle mass, and the intensity of your push-ups.

How Many Calories Do 50 Push-Ups Burn? 50 push-ups burn between 50 and 100 calories. However, it depends on a person’s weight and the intensity of the push-ups.

How Many Calories Do 100 Push-Ups Burn? Doing 100 regular push-ups burns approximately 100 calories. However, if you choose to do a more challenging exercise variation, such as pike or plyometric push-ups, you can expect to burn more calories. For example, 100 pike push-ups could burn up to 200 calories.


How many push-ups should I do to burn 100 calories?

  • Completing between 50 and 100 push-ups can help burn 100 calories, depending on factors like intensity and individual physiology.

Are push-up variations necessary for calorie burn?

  • Yes, incorporating various push-up variations targets different muscle groups and increases calorie expenditure. Variations like tricep push-ups, pike push-ups, and plyometric push-ups can enhance calorie burn.

Can beginners perform push-ups to burn calories?

  • Absolutely! Beginners can start with modified versions like knee push-ups or incline push-ups and gradually progress to more challenging variations as strength and endurance improve.

How many calories do different numbers of push-ups burn?

  • Ten push-ups generally burn between 10 and 20 calories, while twenty push-ups may burn around 20 to 40 calories. Fifty push-ups can result in burning between 50 and 100 calories, and completing 100 regular push-ups typically burns approximately 100 calories.

Do push-ups contribute to overall fitness besides calorie burn?

  • Yes, push-ups are a compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Regular push-up practice improves upper body strength, endurance, and muscular definition.

Are push-ups suitable for weight loss?

  • Push-ups alone may not lead to significant weight loss, but when combined with a balanced diet and other forms of exercise, they contribute to overall calorie expenditure and may aid weight loss efforts.

How often should I incorporate push-ups into my workout routine?

  • The frequency of push-up workouts depends on individual fitness goals and overall exercise regimen. Beginners may start with 2-3 sessions per week, gradually increasing frequency as strength and endurance improve.

Can I perform push-ups every day?

  • While some individuals may benefit from daily push-up practice, others may require rest days to allow muscles to recover and prevent overuse injuries. Listen to your body and adjust frequency accordingly.

Are there any modifications for individuals with injuries or limitations?

  • Yes, individuals with injuries or limitations can modify push-ups by performing them on elevated surfaces or using resistance bands for assistance. Consulting with a healthcare professional or certified trainer is advisable for personalized modifications.

How can I ensure proper form during push-ups?

  • Maintain a straight line from head to heels, engage the core muscles, and lower the body until the elbows reach approximately 90 degrees. Keep the neck neutral and avoid overarching or sagging the lower back. Video tutorials or working with a qualified fitness instructor can help perfect form.

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