lavender+ eucalyptus shower spray your Own homemade shower spray

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Transform your daily shower into a luxurious spa experience with our homemade shower spray infused with the soothing scents of lavender and invigorating essence of eucalyptus. Say goodbye to dull routines and hello to glowing skin as you indulge in the therapeutic benefits of this refreshing blend. Our DIY eucalyptus shower spray is designed to invigorate your senses, promote relaxation, and leave you feeling revitalized from head to toe. Dive into the world of self-care and elevate your shower routine with our easy-to-make, all-natural shower spray. Let the calming aroma of lavender and the energizing properties of eucalyptus awaken your senses and rejuvenate your skin. Discover the secret to radiant skin and a blissful shower experience with our homemade lavender + eucalyptus shower spray.

lavender And eucalyptus shower spray

homemade shower spray diy shower spray eucalyptus shower spray daily shower spray diy eucalyptus shower spray lavender shower spray shower routine

How do you make your own shower spray


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1/4 cup witch hazel or vodka (as a preservative)
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • Spray bottle


  • Prepare the Spray Bottle: Clean and sterilize a spray bottle by washing it with hot, soapy water and rinsing it thoroughly. Ensure it’s completely dry before use.
  • Mix the Ingredients: In a small bowl or measuring cup, combine 1 cup of distilled water with 1/4 cup of witch hazel or vodka. Witch hazel acts as a natural preservative to prolong the shelf life of the spray.
  • Add Essential Oils: Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water mixture. Essential oils provide the fragrance and therapeutic benefits to your shower spray.
  • Stir Well: Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure the essential oils are evenly distributed throughout the water and witch hazel/vodka mixture.
  • Transfer to Spray Bottle: Using a funnel, carefully pour the mixed solution into the spray bottle. Leave some space at the top to avoid spillage when attaching the spray nozzle.
  • Close and Shake: Secure the spray nozzle tightly onto the bottle and shake well to blend all the ingredients together.
  • Label the Bottle: Optionally, label the spray bottle with the name of the shower spray and the date of preparation for reference.
  • Store Properly: Store the homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Shake well before each use to re-mix the ingredients.
  • Usage: Before each shower, lightly mist the spray around your shower area to release the soothing aroma of lavender and the invigorating scent of eucalyptus. Allow the steam from your shower to activate the essential oils and create a spa-like experience.
  • Enjoy: Step into your shower and enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of your homemade shower spray. Breathe deeply, relax, and let the aromatic blend uplift your spirits and refresh your senses.

With this simple DIY recipe, you can elevate your daily shower routine and indulge in the luxurious scent of Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray for glowing skin and a blissful bathing experience.

Tips for lavender And eucalyptus shower spray

homemade shower spray diy shower spray eucalyptus shower spray daily shower spray diy eucalyptus shower spray lavender shower spray shower routine

Here are some tips to enhance your homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray:

  1. Quality Essential Oils: Invest in high-quality lavender and eucalyptus essential oils for a more potent and long-lasting fragrance.
  2. Adjust Fragrance Levels: Experiment with the number of drops of essential oils to customize the scent intensity to your preference. Start with fewer drops and adjust accordingly.
  3. Use Distilled Water: Distilled water helps prevent bacterial growth and ensures a longer shelf life for your shower spray.
  4. Proper Storage: Store your homemade shower spray in a dark, cool place away from direct sunlight to preserve the integrity of the essential oils.
  5. Test Patch: Before using the shower spray extensively, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivity.
  6. Shake Before Use: Always shake the spray bottle well before each use to evenly distribute the essential oils and ensure a consistent fragrance.
  7. Avoid Eye Contact: Keep the spray away from your eyes to prevent irritation. If accidental contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.
  8. Customize Bottle: Consider using a glass spray bottle to avoid chemical leaching from plastic and to preserve the quality of the essential oils.
  9. Refreshing Mist: Use the shower spray as a room or linen spray for a refreshing burst of fragrance in any space.
  10. Relaxation Ritual: Incorporate the use of your Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray into your daily self-care routine to promote relaxation and well-being.

lavender And eucalyptus shower spray benefits

homemade shower spray diy shower spray eucalyptus shower spray daily shower spray diy eucalyptus shower spray lavender shower spray shower routine
  1. Aromatherapy: Lavender and eucalyptus essential oils are known for their calming and invigorating properties, respectively. The aromatic blend creates a spa-like atmosphere in your shower, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  2. Skin Hydration: The fine mist of the shower spray helps to moisturize and hydrate the skin as you bathe, leaving it feeling soft and refreshed.
  3. Respiratory Support: Eucalyptus essential oil has decongestant properties that can help clear nasal passages and ease breathing, making it beneficial for those with respiratory issues or seasonal allergies.
  4. Mood Enhancement: The soothing scent of lavender combined with the uplifting aroma of eucalyptus can help elevate your mood and promote a sense of well-being, helping you start or end your day on a positive note.
  5. Glowing Skin: By incorporating the Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray into your daily routine, you can promote healthier-looking skin. The calming effects of lavender and the cleansing properties of eucalyptus may help to reduce inflammation and promote a clearer complexion.
  6. Improved Sleep: Lavender is renowned for its calming effects, which can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Using the shower spray before bedtime can create a tranquil environment conducive to a restful night’s sleep.
  7. Convenience: With the homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray, you can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy and skincare enhancement without the need for expensive spa treatments or specialized equipment. It’s a convenient and cost-effective way to pamper yourself at home.

Incorporating the Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray into your daily routine can transform your shower experience into a rejuvenating and therapeutic ritual, benefiting both your body and mind.

lavender And eucalyptus shower spray storage and Shelf Life

The shelf life of homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray depends on the quality of ingredients used and how it’s stored. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Storage: Store the shower spray in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A cabinet or pantry works well. Avoid storing it in the bathroom, as the humidity and temperature fluctuations may degrade the essential oils faster.
  2. Container: Use a dark glass spray bottle to help protect the essential oils from light exposure, which can cause them to degrade faster. Ensure the bottle is tightly sealed to prevent air from entering, which can lead to oxidation.
  3. Shelf Life: Generally, homemade shower sprays can last anywhere from 6 months to a year if stored properly. However, the potency of the essential oils may diminish over time, affecting the fragrance and therapeutic properties of the spray.
  4. Signs of Spoilage: Check the spray periodically for any signs of spoilage, such as a change in color, consistency, or an off smell. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to discard the spray and make a fresh batch.
  5. Preservatives: Adding a small amount of witch hazel or vodka to the spray can act as a natural preservative, prolonging its shelf life. However, even with preservatives, it’s essential to store the spray correctly and monitor its condition regularly.

By following these storage guidelines and using quality ingredients, you can extend the shelf life of your homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray and continue to enjoy its benefits for as long as possible.

customizable table for your Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray

IngredientCustomization Ideas
Distilled Water– Use filtered water for a purer spray
Witch Hazel or Vodka– Substitute with rubbing alcohol for stronger scent
Lavender Essential Oil– Experiment with different lavender varieties
Eucalyptus Essential Oil– Try different eucalyptus species for varied aroma
Spray Bottle– Choose colored glass for added protection
Label– Personalize labels with creative designs

Feel free to customize each ingredient to suit your preferences and needs. Experiment with different variations to create a unique Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray that’s perfect for you.

how to use Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray

homemade shower spray diy shower spray eucalyptus shower spray daily shower spray diy eucalyptus shower spray lavender shower spray shower routine

Using your homemade Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray is simple and can be incorporated into your daily shower routine. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  1. Shake Well: Before each use, shake the spray bottle well to ensure that the essential oils are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  2. Pre-Shower: Just before stepping into the shower, lightly mist the Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray around the shower area. Aim for the walls, curtains, or shower door to allow the spray to mix with the steam from the shower.
  3. Enjoy the Aroma: As you shower, the steam will activate the essential oils in the spray, releasing the soothing scent of lavender and the invigorating aroma of eucalyptus. Breathe deeply and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy.
  4. Relax and Rejuvenate: Allow the calming fragrance to envelop you, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. The eucalyptus scent may also help clear your sinuses and promote easier breathing.
  5. Post-Shower: After you’ve finished your shower, there’s no need to rinse off the spray. Simply dry yourself as usual and step out feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Incorporating the Lavender + Eucalyptus Shower Spray into your daily shower routine can help create a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the calming and revitalizing benefits as you cleanse both your body and mind.

how long after a spray tan can you shower

homemade shower spray diy shower spray eucalyptus shower spray daily shower spray diy eucalyptus shower spray lavender shower spray shower routine

After getting a spray tan, it’s generally recommended to wait at least 8-12 hours before showering to allow the tanning solution to fully develop and set on your skin. This waiting period gives the bronzing agents enough time to react with the amino acids in your skin and create the desired tan color.

However, the specific waiting time may vary depending on the type of spray tan solution used and the instructions provided by your tanning technician or the product manufacturer. Some spray tan solutions may require a longer setting time, while others may allow for a shorter wait before showering.

It’s essential to follow the instructions provided to you by your tanning professional or the product manufacturer to ensure the best results and avoid any potential streaking or uneven fading of the tan. If you’re unsure about the recommended waiting time, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and wait a little longer before showering.

Additionally, when you do shower after getting a spray tan, it’s essential to use lukewarm water and gentle, sulfate-free products to help preserve your tan for as long as possible. Avoid scrubbing your skin vigorously, as this can cause the tan to fade more quickly. After showering, gently pat your skin dry with a towel rather than rubbing it, and be sure to moisturize regularly to keep your skin hydrated and your tan looking fresh.


How long should I wait to shower after getting a spray tan? It’s generally recommended to wait at least 8-12 hours before showering to allow the tan to fully develop and set on your skin.

Will showering immediately after a spray tan ruin my tan? Showering immediately after a spray tan may cause the tan to develop unevenly or wash away prematurely, resulting in a less desirable outcome.

What temperature water should I use when showering after a spray tan? Use lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water can strip away the tan and cause it to fade more quickly.

Can I use soap or body wash when showering after a spray tan? Yes, you can use soap or body wash when showering after a spray tan, but opt for a gentle, sulfate-free formula to avoid stripping the tan.

Should I scrub my skin when showering after a spray tan? Avoid scrubbing your skin vigorously, as this can cause the tan to fade more quickly and may result in streaking or uneven patches.

Is it okay to use a loofah or exfoliating glove when showering after a spray tan? It’s best to avoid using abrasive exfoliating tools like loofahs or exfoliating gloves, as they can remove the outer layer of skin and cause the tan to fade faster.

How should I dry off after showering following a spray tan? Pat your skin dry gently with a towel instead of rubbing, as rubbing can cause the tan to fade more quickly.

Can I apply moisturizer or lotion after showering post-spray tan? Yes, applying moisturizer or lotion after showering can help hydrate your skin and prolong the life of your spray tan.

How can I prolong the lifespan of my spray tan after showering? Moisturize regularly, avoid excessive sweating, and pat your skin dry after showering to help maintain your spray tan for longer.

What should I do if my tan looks streaky or uneven after showering? If your tan appears streaky or uneven after showering, try applying a gradual tanning lotion or using a tan extender to even out the color.

How often can I shower after getting a spray tan without affecting the tan’s longevity? You can shower regularly after getting a spray tan, but try to keep showers short and avoid using harsh products that can strip the tan.

Are there any specific products I should avoid using when showering after a spray tan? Avoid using products containing harsh chemicals, exfoliants, or oils, as these can strip away the tan and cause it to fade more quickly.

Will showering after a spray tan cause the tan to fade faster? Showering after a spray tan can contribute to the gradual fading of the tan, especially if hot water or harsh products are used.

Can I swim or engage in water-related activities after showering following a spray tan? It’s best to avoid swimming or prolonged exposure to water after showering following a spray tan, as this can cause the tan to fade more quickly.

How soon after showering post-spray tan can I apply additional tanning products or tan extenders? Wait until your skin is completely dry before applying additional tanning products or tan extenders to ensure optimal absorption and longevity of the tan.

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