What causes excessive sweating of the head and face? And How to Stop It

What causes excessive sweating of the head and face? And How to Stop It

Are you dealing with excessive sweating on your face and head? You’re not alone. Excessive sweating, although a natural cooling process, can become bothersome and indicate underlying issues. This article delves into the causes of excessive facial sweating and provides tips on managing it.

Understanding Sweating:

Understanding Sweating:

Sweating is a crucial mechanism that regulates your body temperature. Normally, your body temperature hovers around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But external factors like weather, physical activity, or fever can elevate it.

If your body fails to cool down, the risk of heatstroke and health problems rises. Luckily, your body possesses a sophisticated cooling mechanism. The hypothalamus in your brain signals the eccrine sweat glands to release sweat, which cools down your body.

Emotions and spicy foods can also induce sweating. Stress, excitement, or fear trigger sweating through the apocrine sweat glands, unrelated to body temperature.


Hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating, affects people regardless of gender or age. It can manifest at any life stage, affecting nearly 365 million individuals.

What Causes Of Excessive Face And Head Sweating?

What Causes Of Excessive Face And Head Sweating?

Excessive sweating on the face and head, known as craniofacial hyperhidrosis, can stem from various causes. Hyperhidrosis, a prevalent health condition, is characterized by excessive sweating even when not needed for temperature regulation. Let’s explore the factors contributing to this condition.

Hyperhidrosis Types:

Hyperhidrosis manifests in two forms – primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary focal hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating without an underlying medical cause or medication. On the other hand, secondary hyperhidrosis arises from medical conditions or specific medications.

Factors Leading to Excessive Face and Head Sweating:

Factors Leading to Excessive Face and Head Sweating:


A study indicates that 30% to 50% of individuals with excessive sweating have a family history of the condition.

Abundance of Sweat Glands:

Your face and head harbor more sweat glands than other body parts, making excessive sweating more pronounced in these areas.

Weather Conditions:

Hot and humid weather can trigger hyperhidrosis, exacerbating sweating.

Intense Emotions:

Strong emotions like anger, fear, stress, and anxiety are linked to excessive sweating.

Underlying Medical Conditions:

Certain health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and menopause, can contribute to excessive sweating.

Specific Medications:

Certain medications, including antidepressants, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and painkillers, can lead to excessive sweating.

Managing Excessive Face and Head Sweating:

Managing Excessive Face and Head Sweating:

If craniofacial hyperhidrosis affects your daily life, consider these approaches to manage the condition:

Consult a Healthcare Professional:

If excessive sweating disrupts your life, consult a doctor. They can diagnose the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatments.


Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride can help control sweating. Apply them to your face and head as directed.

Prescription Medications:

In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe medications like anticholinergics to help reduce sweating.

Botox Injections:

Botox injections can temporarily block sweat glands, providing relief from excessive sweating.


This treatment involves passing a mild electric current through water to your skin. It’s effective for some individuals in reducing sweat production.

Surgical Options:

For severe cases, surgical interventions like sympathectomy can be considered to manage excessive sweating.

how to stop excessive sweating on face:

how to stop excessive sweating on face:

Although sweating is a natural bodily function, excessive sweating on your face and head can be distressing. Simple strategies can help you manage this condition. However, if you notice unexplained and severe sweating on your face and head, consult your doctor. They can identify any underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatments based on your condition’s severity.

  • Keep a soft, dry towel on hand to wipe off sweat gently when needed.
  • Shower daily to maintain hygiene and remove germs.
  • Apply antiperspirant in the morning and before bed.
  • Opt for comfortable, breathable clothing, preferably made of cotton.
  • Reduce caffeine intake and avoid spicy foods.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking sufficient water.
  • Use a mild face powder to absorb excess sweat.
  • Carry a small hand-fan to cool down when required.
  • Have frequent, smaller meals to regulate body temperature.
  • Avoid intense physical activity if you’re tired or experiencing excessive sweating.

Pros and Cons of Sweating on the Face

Pros and Cons of Sweating on the Face

Sweating on the face has both positive and negative aspects. While it helps regulate temperature, promotes a healthy appearance, and contributes to germ elimination, excessive sweating can lead to dehydration, pore blockage, acne, and skin irritation. Maintaining a balance and proper skincare routine can help manage these effects.


Keeps Skin Cool and Moisturized:

Sweating on your face helps regulate your body temperature and keeps your skin cool. It provides a natural moisturizing effect.

Dewy and Glowy Appearance:

Sweating imparts a dewy and radiant look to your skin, giving it a healthy glow.

Natural Germ Elimination:

Sweat can help eliminate germs and bacteria from your skin, promoting a cleaner complexion.


Dehydration Risk:

While sweating is a mechanism to cool your body, excessive sweating can lead to significant water loss and potential dehydration.

Pore Blockage and Acne:

The combination of sweat, sebum, and dirt can clog pores, causing acne breakouts. A damp face can also create a favorable environment for acne-causing bacteria to thrive.

Skin Irritation:

Sweat contains urea and ammonia, which might irritate the skin and cause discomfort, especially when sweat accumulates.

What medications cause excessive head sweating?

Here’s a list of medications that can potentially cause excessive sweating as a side effect:

  • Antidepressants (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – SSRIs, Tricyclic antidepressants)
  • Antipsychotic medications
  • Opioid pain medications
  • Some blood pressure medications (such as beta-blockers)
  • Certain medications for diabetes (like insulin)

This list isn’t exhaustive, and the potential for medication-induced sweating can vary widely from person to person. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you’re experiencing excessive sweating or have concerns about your medications.

What vitamin deficiency causes face sweating?

here’s a list of vitamins that are essential for overall health and their potential sources:

Vitamin A: Essential for skin health and vision.

Sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, liver.

Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12): Supports energy production, metabolism, and nerve function.

Sources: Whole grains, eggs, dairy, meat, fish, leafy greens.

Vitamin C: Boosts immunity and aids in collagen production for skin health.

Sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes.

Vitamin D: Crucial for bone health and immune system function.

Sources: Sunlight, fatty fish (salmon, tuna), fortified dairy or plant-based milk.

Vitamin E: An antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage.

Sources: Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, spinach, avocado.

Vitamin K: Important for blood clotting and bone health.

Sources: Leafy greens (kale, spinach), broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin F (Essential Fatty Acids – Omega-3 and Omega-6): Supports brain health, heart health, and skin health.

Sources: Fish oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and certain vegetable oils.
Remember, a balanced diet with a variety of foods generally covers the body’s vitamin needs. However, if you suspect a deficiency, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and advice.


Excessive facial sweating can be uncomfortable and affect self-assurance. While a natural bodily function, its overactivity might indicate health issues. Understanding its causes helps manage it through treatments like antiperspirants or medical procedures. Balancing these approaches is key as excessive sweating can lead to dehydration and skin problems. Seeking professional advice is crucial if it significantly impacts daily life or comes with other symptoms. With the right approach, managing facial sweating is possible, ensuring confidence and comfort.


What health problems cause excessive sweating?
Health issues like hyperthyroidism, infections, diabetes, hormonal changes, anxiety, and menopause can cause excessive sweating.

What would cause a woman to sweat profusely?
Hormonal changes during menopause or pregnancy, anxiety, certain medications, or health conditions like hyperthyroidism can cause excessive sweating in women.

When should I be worried about excessive sweating?
If excessive sweating significantly disrupts daily life, occurs suddenly, or is accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain or weight loss, it’s wise to seek medical advice.

What does it mean when a girl sweats a lot?
Excessive sweating in girls might be due to hormonal changes during puberty, anxiety, or certain medical conditions.

Does sweating a lot mean heart problems?
Excessive sweating can be a symptom of heart problems, especially if it occurs along with other heart-related symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath.

What part of the female body sweats the most?
Typically, the armpits, palms, and soles of the feet are common areas for excessive sweating in women.

What can I do to stop sweating so much?
Antiperspirants, lifestyle changes, medical treatments, or seeking professional advice are ways to manage excessive sweating.

Why do I sweat so much and feel tired?
This could be due to various factors like an underlying health condition, hormonal changes, stress, or an overactive thyroid gland.

How do you treat hyperhidrosis in the face and head?
Treatments like antiperspirants, medications, Botox injections, or iontophoresis may help manage excessive sweating on the face and head.

Does low vitamin D cause head sweating?
There isn’t a direct link between low vitamin D levels and head sweating. However, addressing vitamin deficiencies might help overall health.

What supplements should I take if I sweat a lot?
Magnesium, B vitamins, or sage supplements are thought to help reduce sweating. Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended before taking any supplements.

What is a sweaty head a symptom of?
It could be related to hyperhidrosis, hormonal changes, anxiety, or certain medical conditions causing excessive sweating on the head.

What are natural remedies for excessive head sweating?
Natural remedies like using talcum powder, managing stress, avoiding triggers, or dietary changes may help reduce head sweating.

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