How to Apply Henna for Gray Hair: A Natural Solution For gray hair

How to Apply Henna for Gray Hair: A Natural Solution For gray hair

Dealing with gray hair and concerned about the potential damage from commercial hair dyes? Consider using henna, a natural plant-based hair dye. Henna, also known as mehendi, imparts an enchanting reddish-orange hue to hair. It is renowned for its traditional use in maintaining hair thickness and its antimicrobial properties, which promote scalp and hair health. This guide will walk you through the process of effectively using henna to cover your gray hair.

What Is Henna?

Henna, derived from the Lawsonia inermis plant, is cultivated throughout India. It is widely recognized as a natural hair dye and is also used for body art. Beyond its coloring properties, henna boasts various medicinal and therapeutic attributes (2). When applied to hair, it leaves behind an auburn hue, although the specific shade may vary depending on the henna leaf variety used.

Henna has a cooling effect and exhibits antimicrobial properties, making it effective against acne-causing bacteria like S. aureus, which can contribute to scalp acne.

Traditionally, henna has been associated with strengthening hair, stimulating hair growth, and enhancing its shine. However, these claims lack scientific substantiation. Henna serves as a popular alternative to chemical hair dyes, frequently chosen to cover gray hair.

Fun Fact: Historically, Ramesses II, the Pharaoh of Egypt’s 19th dynasty, employed henna to conceal his graying hair, a common practice in ancient Egypt.

Does Henna Cover Gray Hair?

does Henna Cover Gray Hair?

Yes, henna serves as a chemical-free hair dye that effectively conceals gray hair, imparting an auburn or reddish-orange tint to the strands. However, the outcome may vary based on your natural hair color.

To enhance the gray hair coverage and achieve optimal results, you can incorporate other herbal ingredients such as jatamansi, kuth, kattha, and amla (Indian gooseberry), along with coffee, into your henna mixture. These herbal additives not only nourish your hair but also contribute to more substantial coloration while effectively concealing gray hair. Additionally, they help prevent hair breakage. The next section provides a comprehensive guide on using henna to cover gray hair effectively.

How to Cover Gray Hair With Henna: A Step by Step Guide

ow to Cover Gray Hair With Henna: A Step by Step Guide

Before you begin, gather the necessary ingredients

1-2 tablespoons of black tea leaves

2-3 tablespoons of henna powder (adjust the quantity)

2-3 cups of water

½ teaspoon of lemon juice

Applicator brush

Mixing bowl

An old T-shirt

Step 1: Boil Black Tea Leaves

Start by boiling black tea leaves in water until the liquid reduces to half. This proportion of water should match the amount of henna powder you intend to use. It’s important to opt for natural henna powder instead of products containing developers.

Step 2: Prepare a Henna Mask

Soak the henna powder in water for approximately 8 hours or overnight. Combine the henna paste with the brewed black tea and lemon juice. Optionally, you can add amla powder to this mixture for added benefits.

Step 3: Apply the Mask

Wear an old T-shirt to prevent staining, and then divide your hair into sections. Utilize the applicator brush to apply the henna mixture evenly from the roots to the tips of each section. Once all sections are covered, don a disposable shower cap to retain the hair in place, and allow the paste to sit for a minimum of 30 minutes for optimal absorption.

Step 4: Rinse It Off

After the waiting period, rinse off the henna paste with cold water, ensuring thorough washing. Apply conditioner to your hair but refrain from shampooing immediately to allow the color to set. You may shampoo your hair the following day. As henna is not a permanent hair dye, it can be reapplied once or twice a month.

The Safety and Side Effects of Henna

The Safety and Side Effects of Henna

Henna is generally recognized as safe for the skin and even presents potential benefits for treating androgenetic alopecia (a common form of hair loss) based on animal studies. This makes it a viable option for henna hair treatment. However, like any natural product, henna may induce certain side effects, although they are relatively rare.

It is possible to experience allergic reactions when using henna, resulting in symptoms such as:



Sore and red eyes


Blisters It’s important to note that these side effects are infrequent and are often associated with commercial black henna products containing synthetic ingredients like PPD (paraphenylenediamine). If you happen to notice any of these side effects, it is advisable to promptly seek consultation with a medical professional.

Precautions to Take While Applying Henna

Precautions to Take While Applying Henna

When it comes to using henna for your hair, it’s essential to be mindful of a few precautions to ensure a safe and effective application. Here are some key points to consider:

Patch Test:
Always conduct a patch test before applying henna to your entire hair. This small test will help you identify any potential allergic reactions and prevent adverse skin conditions.

Scalp Conditions:
Avoid henna application if you have existing scalp conditions, blisters, or wounds. Applying henna on irritated skin can worsen the situation and lead to discomfort.

Postpone henna application if you’re experiencing a cold or fever. Henna’s cooling effect may intensify your condition, so it’s best to wait until you’re feeling better.

Tangle-Free Hair:
Ensure your hair is tangle-free before applying the henna paste. Tangles can complicate the application process and make washing off more challenging.

Mixing Bowl:
Opt for a glass bowl when preparing the henna paste. Metal bowls can interact with the ingredients, potentially affecting the quality of the mixture.

Protective Barrier:
To prevent staining, apply a layer of Vaseline or petroleum jelly along your hairline and the skin near the nape of your neck.

Disposable Gloves:
Wear disposable plastic gloves during the application process to avoid staining your hands.

Oily Hair:
Avoid applying henna to oily hair, as the presence of oil can hinder the absorption of color, leading to uneven results.

Do not exceed leaving henna on your hair for more than 45 minutes. Prolonged exposure can impact hair hydration, and if the paste dries out completely, it may become difficult to remove.

Burning Sensation:
If you experience a burning sensation in your eyes after applying henna, consider placing cucumber slices or cooling eye pads for relief.

Pro Tip:
Refrain from using hair conditioner after shampooing and before applying henna. Conditioner can create a barrier, preventing the henna from effectively staining your hair. Opt for henna application on clean, product-free hair for the best results.

Henna Benefits for Hair

Henna Benefits for Hair

Applying henna to hair offers several benefits, making it a popular natural alternative for hair care and dyeing. Here are some of the key benefits of using henna on hair:

Natural Hair Coloring: Henna imparts a beautiful auburn or reddish-orange tint to the hair, providing a natural and vibrant look. It is especially useful for covering gray hair or adding subtle highlights.

Chemical-Free: Unlike many commercial hair dyes that contain harsh chemicals like ammonia and peroxide, henna is a natural and chemical-free hair coloring option. It colors the hair without causing damage or weakening the hair shaft.

Strengthens Hair: Henna is believed to strengthen hair strands, making them more resilient and less prone to breakage. This can lead to thicker and healthier-looking hair.

Hair Nourishment: Henna contains natural conditioning properties that help moisturize and nourish the hair, leaving it soft, silky, and more manageable. It can also help repair damaged hair.

Natural Shine: Henna enhances the natural shine of the hair, giving it a glossy and lustrous appearance. It can make your hair look healthier and more radiant.

Scalp Health: Henna has antimicrobial and cooling properties that can help maintain a healthy scalp. It may help reduce scalp issues like dandruff and itchiness.

Improves Hair Growth: While scientific evidence is limited, some people believe that regular use of henna can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair fall. It may also improve the overall health of the hair follicles.

Reduces Oiliness: Henna can help regulate excess oil production in the scalp, making it beneficial for those with oily hair.

Natural Hair Protection: Henna forms a protective layer on the hair shaft, guarding it against environmental damage, pollution, and harmful UV rays.

Cooling Effect: The application of henna on the scalp can provide a cooling and soothing sensation, which can be particularly refreshing, especially in hot climates.


 Is henna good for your hair?

Yes, henna is generally good for your hair as it provides natural coloring, strengthens strands, and offers conditioning benefits.

What should I mix with henna for hair?

Henna can be mixed with ingredients like black tea, lemon juice, or amla powder for hair to enhance color, nourishment, and coverage.

What are the disadvantages of applying henna on hair?

Disadvantages of applying henna on hair include the potential for allergic reactions, color variations, and dryness, especially if left on for too long.

How many hours should you apply henna to your hair?

Henna should typically be applied to hair for 1 to 2 hours for optimal results, but this may vary depending on the desired color intensity.

Henna for hair growth?

While some believe henna may promote hair growth, scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited, and results can vary among individuals.

How long does henna last on gray hair?

Henna typically provides color longevity on gray hair for approximately 7-9 weeks.

How often can I henna my hair?

You can safely apply henna to your hair once a month.

Can henna be removed from hair?

Henna is a permanent hair color, but it can be lightened or removed by saturating your hair with warm oil, covering it with a shower cap, allowing it to sit for several hours or overnight, and then rinsing thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. You may need to repeat this process multiple times to achieve the desired result. Alternatively, a baking soda rinse can help lighten henna-colored hair.

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